Corona Virus Message

Jeff Carroll Department Commander - 3/13/2020

We are facing an unusual situation but it is important that we don't panic. The Coronavirus has been classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The number of people who will test positive for the potentially fatal COVID-19 remains unknown, but there are steps we can take, and must take, to protect ourselves and help our fellow veterans and citizens.

I encourage you to use extreme caution and adhere to the best practices put forth by the health experts. Namely properly wash your hands frequently, use antibacterial rubs and practice "social distancing.”

Coronavirus is particularly dangerous for those over the age of 50 who contract it so please be cognizant of the risks when planning post activities and functions.

This is an excellent opportunity to perform Buddy Checks. Check in with older veterans in your communities to make sure they have the supplies they need, are feeling healthy and help them where they need it. Of course, Buddy Checks can be done with phone calls (preferred) and emails to minimize exposure.

The Coronavirus situation will be changing rapidly so let's be ready to adapt as we serve our communities. Among the best resources to follow are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( and the World Health Organization ( You can also check our state website for updated information (VFWGA.COM)

Let’s also keep our thoughts and prayers with our Service members especially those overseas, our National Guardsmen, first responders and others who will be taxed in coming months. They need our support now more than ever.

Jeff Carroll
State Commander, VFW Dept of Georgia 
678-571-5333 | | @polarshark


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