Updates from VFW State Headquarters

Charles “Tony” Dobbins Department of Georgia Adjutant - 7/13/2020

Updates from VFW State Headquarters

Comrade Commanders,

I hope you are doing well and checking on your members as this Coronavirus continues to change our lifestyles. There are some items due to state headquarters and I want to be sure you have them on your radar.

1.      Your first Trustees Quarterly Audit is due by July 31, 2020. It covers the period of April – June 2020. The audit form can be found on the state website www.vfwga.comunder Resources then Forms.


2.      Now is the time for Posts and Districts to get their Bond paperwork and funds completed. Most bonds end on August 31, 2020. The Bond Form and rates are on the state website www.vfwga.comunder Resources then Forms.


3.      Final Admission Fee invoices will be sent out by July 24, 2020. This invoice will be one dollar ($1) for each new member from April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020.


Please note the following changes to the state commander’s appointments section in General Order #1

Surgeon/Grant Assistance and Hospital (three areas)

                           Drew Keenan 770-298-7426 (Number change)

POW/MIA Chairman (New Chairman)

                        Howard N Slay                        678-770-2204          d757boi@gmail.com

                        485 Flat Shoals Church Rd

                        Stockbridge GA 30281



                       David Worthen 912-227-7819 (Number changed)


Auxiliary Changes


VFW Auxiliary Department President (Corrected Address)

                        Dixie Norris                             706-799-0703            dixielee923@yahoo.com

                        607 Beechwood Dr

                        Thomson GA 30824


VFW Auxiliary National Council Member, District 8 (Georgia/Alabama) (Correct Council Member)

                        Donna Howell                         256-651-2831            donnahowell103@gmail.com

                       500 O Z Davis Rd

                        Eva AL 35621



Charles A. "Tony" Dobbins

State Adjutant

VFW Department of Georgia


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