Commander-in-Chief Hal Roesch has laid down a challenge to all VFW Posts for the month of February 2021!

Charles “Tony” Dobbins Department of Georgia Adjutant - 2/2/2021

Commander-in-Chief Hal Roesch has laid down a challenge to all VFW Posts for the month of February 2021!
This month is one where we all focus on love and commitment, and so we’re challenging our Posts to get our members to make a Lifetime commitment to the VFW by becoming Life Members!
For this month’s Commander’s Challenge, the top Post in each Division with the highest total of new Life members, meaning a new, continuous, or lapsed member paying the full Life Membership dues will receive a $1000 award deposited into their Post account. In addition, if the top Post also shares this challenge on your Post’s Facebook page, they will receive an additional $250 award! Get the word out and let’s increase our Life Membership! We want to see our Posts reaching out to our members and working hard to show that we are an active and progressive organization that has 20/20 VISION FOR VETERANS!

This contest will compare the Post’s total members reinstated from close of business January 31st through close of business on February 28th. Members processed through the Online Membership System before close of business will be processed that day; membership applications sent in via fax or mail will be processed when received.


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